
Let us delve into the riveting world of abactors, shall we? You see, an abactor is not just your regular run-of-the-mill petty thief who steals a single cow like some kind of amateur. No, no! An abactor is a true connoisseur of bovine larceny, as they have perfected the art of stealing an entire herd of cattle. We must admire their ambition, or rather their audacity, for daring to defy the norm and indulge in mass thievery.
Oh, but let us not forget to differentiate this magnificent abactor from their lowly counterpart, the "inferior" actor. How quaint! You see, while the actor may content themselves with stealing one cow at a time like some sort of novice, the abactor sets their sights much higher. They are the true stock actor, ladies and gentlemen. Stealing a solitary animal is just child's play to them. Why bother with such mundane endeavors when you can pilfer an entire herd with style?
Oh, yes, this simply cannot be denied. The abactor is nothing short of a mastermind in the realm of cattle theft. They elevate their wicked craft to an entirely new level. The way they skillfully coordinate the theft of numerous cows, effortlessly outshining those pitiful solo thieves. It's truly a sight to behold, wouldn't you agree?
So here's to you, noble abactors! We salute your audacious endeavors, your unwavering determination to ravage entire herds at a time. Your name shall forever be synonymous with excellence in bovine thievery. Bravo!
Abactor, n. One who steals a whole herd of cattle, as distinguished from the inferior actor who steals one animal at a time—a superior stock actor, as it were.